Message from the Director

Photo by Regine Tholen on Unsplash

Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I’ve heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.

—Emily Dickinson

As we begin the new year with all its challenges still—the coronavirus and the political turmoil that surrounds our county—I share this poem with you from Emily Dickinson, “Hope is the Thing with Feathers”. She wrote the poem in 1861 as a means of moving forward amidst difficult times in her life. The strong-willed bird is a metaphor for the strength within us all to face any challenge that might come our way. It is this presence of Hope that keeps us going, as we believe in better days.

As you make plans and set goals for the new year, I encourage you to participate in RIRAL’s Transition program to help you to prepare for college. Your destiny is in your hands as you hope for an exceptional future.

Marie Crecca-Romero
TTC Program Director